Overcoming Obstacles

with Neuro-Acupuncture

by a. word

There are some things in life that seem impossible to overcome. Ignore? Yes. Mitigate? Yes. But in a society that has looked more at treating symptoms rather than finding the root to a cause, many forget (or simply do not know) that when you find the origin of an issue… overcoming major obstacles is not only possible, but probable.

In Allopathic medicine, when you have an overwhelming pain for something whose origins are unknown, you may be given a shot or a medication to make it so you don’t feel the pain. In these such cases, it’s almost guaranteed that once the medicine wears off, the pain will not only return, but be accompanied by new pain and additional imbalances in the overall body. Holistic medicine prefers to see each individual as a whole person, and thus would be more inclined to find a way to balance the body and the neural pathways that are causing the pain in the first place.

This aspect of “balance” is partially what magnetized Dr. Natasha Wells to the practice of acupuncture - an ancient Chinese Medicine modality that sees “all aspects of a person as important” and aims to bring balance to circulating life force (qi) within the body, using thin needles placed at very specific points. As a graduate from Southwest Acupuncture College, Dr. Wells is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) specializing in Neuro-Acupuncture.

Her journey began when, as a single mother, she had an injury that made it impossible for her to work. No matter what she tried, nothing addressed the pain… that was until she discovered acupuncture. She knew, almost immediately, that this would forever change the course of her life. As with many holistic practitioners, Dr. Wells’ path to finding this modality was out of personal necessity and through individual triumphs that were so profound, she felt encouraged to learn the science herself and extend the service to others.

Not long into her acupuncture schooling journey, Dr. Wells’ fascination with Neuro-Acupuncture began. Once again, this interest was related to personal experiences with those close to her having traumatic brain injuries. “Neuro-Acupuncture is a contemporary acupuncture technique integrating traditional Chinese needling methods and Scalp Acupuncture with Western medical knowledge of neurology, neuroscience, and neurological rehabilitation.” (https://www.neuroacupunctureinstitute.org) Dr. Wells gained her credentials at the very Chinese University where the creation of Neuro-Acupuncture began over 40 years ago.  Dr. Wells continues to work directly under one of the original researchers and the co-founder of the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute, Dr. Linda Hao - now located in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

One of the many beauties of Neuro-Acupuncture is that it addresses countless imbalances modern day society sees as un-treatable, especially acute and chronic central nervous system disorders such as: Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury,  Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Paralysis, Complex Regional Pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia.

To see some first-hand success stories for yourself, feel free to check out @neuroacupunctureinstitute on youTube or watch the documentary, “Return to Life”.

Dr. Wells, in collaboration with Jemez Valley Community Wellness (a 501c3 nonprofit), offers her services at the Rose Center for Integrative Health (8372 Hwy 4, Jemez Pueblo) twice monthly and if demand allows, aims to be joining us on a weekly basis. While currently, her practice here in the Valley is “...about half and half. Half for pain and half for tremors and headaches”, she has seen amazing results with the central nervous system disorders mentioned above, as well as ADHD, neuropathy, PTSD and so much more.

If you would like to book a session with Dr. Wells, please call the Rose Center at (505) 249-3289 or visit the website by clicking here!